Queen of All Things

There are many things we are told we are in life...so many of them are not helpful healing or kind.

It is within the memories of these stories that we hold our untruths, our limited beliefs, our lies about self.

Once we begin to notice all of those unhealthy mind chatterings and we allow the light to enter the room of our hearts, we can then begin to cast off all that is cluttering an otherwise magnificent being that is us.

This piece was created to commemorate and invite that very thing.

Queen of all the things is to remind us that we are goddesses and no one will ever take that away from us again.

She is quite large and magnificent in her own glory...She carries a frequency of that very goddess in you.

As always...only available directly. I hope you enjoy her as much as I enjoyed creating her.

“Queen of All Things”. Available only at JeanneBessette.com


Apathy + Empathy


Runs With Scissors