The Real Creative Path



In life....we come in total dependence of our parental units hoping they are healthy enough to show us the way...then we cry and poop and crawl and fall and walk and talk gibberish and keep doing and undoing....
a small healthy child never gives up walking and eventually steadies the wobble. But as we learn and grow we also find ourselves in pain and trauma and we learn to also carry that...eventually only to find our way to the other side and learn again only on a different level.

In art, we try and learn and create and erase and destroy and overlay and make a new mark... We judge ourselves and second guess and compare ourselves and eventually we learn to steady the wobble.

So for now...can we just have a little fun and laugh at our journey?

This piece is infused with all of what makes us beautifully complex and the process of being creatively creative. It's to invite you to find the joy in the mistakes and to allow the journey to lead you to higher places...

Shipping is included in purchase price.

Also included: An optional one-on-one session with Jeanne with detailed guidance on how to best interact with this conscious art.

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